If Christ is THE WAY, why waste time traveling SOME OTHER WAY?
Lately, I've been thinking alot about the changes I've went through in the last couple years. This is probably due to my upcoming baptism. Anyways, it's amazing how much time I've wasted trying to "travel some other way." Why is it that we think we know what's best for us, when really we have no clue? Only God knows the way for our lives. He knows exactly what we need and when we need it. So why do we resist His way? I'm mainly speaking about myself. When I first starting repenting there were a lot of things I wanted and there were a lot of things that I wasn't willing to let go of. And I fought to hang on as long as I could, which was really dumb because it only made the road all the rougher. Finally, I realized that I couldn't have it all and I needed to make a choice. Was is going to be my way, which would've been the wrong way or was is going to be God's way, which is always the right way? Obviously I chose the right way...God is driving and I'm riding shotgun. HA! and it's a good thing b/c we all know that when I'm in the driver's seat, things can get a little out of control and damage will be done :) Sad, but true.
So let's let God lead the way, let him be the shepherd and we the flock. Let's not waste our time traveling down paths that won't lead us to Heaven. And another thing I've learned is that it is beneficial to stay close to the flock and not to stray to far. The flock is a support system and when we stray from it we become an easy target for the devil.
Anyways I hope everyone has a stupendous day!
Shannon. This is Doug. How are you? I am fine. Me too. You too.
I like that Echo song...do you know it? In closing I need more sleep and I'm a big dork.
...umm, i don't know that song. And yes...you are a dork, but the coolest dork i know b/c you comment on my blog. YESSSSS.
you know kristi doesn't even comment...she probably forgot I existed. Dangit. Is now a good time to go and cry into my pillow??
Anytime is a good time to do that. Just don't loan it to anybody for a while, otherwise they'll think they layed in your slobber. Of course they could just do the customary pillow flip and go back to sleep.
yeah, gotta love the fact that a pillow has 2 sides
sorry eddy...i don't think I trust you. Why? Because you think my blog is cool...no one thinks my blog is cool. So I think you are just trying to be nice so I will look at your website. Sorry Ed...no can do. It's all a big scam!
I think your blog is cool. But then again I stole money out of your purse last time you were in Mansfield.
dang, i knew i was missing a few bucks!
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