Wednesday, December 07, 2005

'Tis the season

I've got Christmas spirit, Yes I do. I've got Christmas spirit, How 'bout you?!...

Ok, I'm just looking forward to winter break. I've been listening to Christmas music nonstop...usually I can't stand when people start listening to Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving, but I was totally one of those people this year. And I'm on this kick of wanting to sing all the time. Like more than ususal. Oh! and I actually didn't mind christmas shopping this year either. I kind of enjoyed it.

Last night I was just standing outside in the freezing cold and I could just smell it...winter, and I had the sudden urge to go snow skiing. And I want it to snow a lot! So I can make snow angels and snowmen and dig tunnels through drifts. Then I want to come inside to a warm fireplace to defrost and drink hot cocoa. mmmmmmm. Doesn't that sound awesome!!

Word of the Day: outsourcing
Meaning:, slight problem with today's word. it can't be found in my dictionary. So, I need someone to explain to me what outsourcing is.

Ok, since the word of the day is currently meaningless, I will choose a different word.

'Substitute' Word of the Day: lucubration
Meaning: nocturnal study or meditation

This word is actually applicable to my life.


At 8:37 PM, Blogger daniel said...

You got your's snowing a LOT.

At 9:38 AM, Blogger Shannon said...

I know! Isn't it great!?


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