Monday, September 18, 2006

Paper Cuts

Paper Cuts are bad. But do you know what makes them worse? Deep paper cuts underneath your pinky fingernail. *sigh* As you might have guessed I gave myself one of these earlier today and now it feels like my whole pinky finger is on fire.

I actually wrote the above paragraph a few days ago...well actually more like a week ago. Wow, time goes by fast.

So my parents and one of my brothers have been in Arizona all week, leaving me at home to do all the household duties, which pretty much consists of picking up after myself. I also picked the raspberries and a couple tomatoes. I don't have much of a green thumb like my mom. Here's what I don't get. If I were to get a dog, they (my parents) would throw a fit if i wanted to go away for the week and have them dog sit when here I am taking care of their plants all week. Tell me how that makes sense. If you haven't noticed I'm on my dog kick again. I went to the pet store today after clinicals to get a good dose of puppy love to calm my nerves. Seriously puppies make me happy. Especially the puppy I held today. He was a little Jack Russel and he is so stinkin' cute! ughhh! I wanted to bring him home today so bad and I probably would have if I had a steady source of income. But a'las i do not. This whole working PRN thing doesn't guarantee much income at all. My check for last pay period, which is a 2 week pay period, isn't even enough to make a car payment. That's kinda sad. Ya know what else is sad? That fact that I'm going to be deprived of sleep this weekend. True story. In fact, it's already begun. Not to mention the 2 tests that are coming up on Mon. and Wed. FUN, FUN for EVERYONE! Yay!

Blahdy-blah this, blahdy-blah that, throw in La Bomba and we've got ourselves a party.

Ok the buck stops here. Goodnight everyone. Sweet dreams. I'll be here, at work, poking my eyes out. Cya

oh yea, Go Bucks!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Why? Let me explain.

Here are some reasons why I haven't blogged in the awhile:

1. The internet service at our house sucked so dad cancelled it. Good call dad.

2. I started school back up like a month ago. And I'm actually using most of my time studying. Good call Me.

3. My life is no more exciting than yours, but when it is I'll tell you all about it.

That pretty much wraps it up.

Just a side note: Football season started! Yay!