Why me?
Ok this last week has not been one of my best as far as things going wrong with my stuff. Lets just start back at last Sunday.
Last sunday was wonderful, I went to church in C-bus and went caroling and just had a grand 'ole time. Well Sunday evening I decided I would call off work so I could study for my final on Monday. This would have been a great plan if I wouldn't have slept all night and all day Monday to wake up and drive straight to my final. sigh.
So on Monday I get no studying done and take my final and still I have no idea if I'll be starting school back up this January. I worked Monday night and when driving home Tuesday morning I noticed that I didn't have my cell phone. So when I got home I called work to see if I had left it on the desk or something. They couldn't find it anywhere, so i decided to drive back to Van Wert to VanCrest and look for it myself b/c it was really bothering me. I get there and I look everywhere. I went into every single room that I went into that morning, checked the bathroom, the chair I sat in, the cafeteria, the breakroom, and I looked outside in the parking lot...nothing.
I went home a failure. I was cold, hungry, tired and frustrated, so when I got home I sat at the kitchen island and cryed for a bit. I find relief in crying. After crying I went to bed.
Tuesday night I worked again. The whole time I was wondering where my little phone could be. At one point, I ran out to my car to get my schedule. As I was about to open the door to my car I looked over to where I had parked the night before....and there it was my phone. Great, right? WRONG. It was in 2 pieces. It must have fallen out of my coat pocket when I got into my car Tuesday morning to go home. Then it got ran over. So, now I'm using my brothers old phone. I have my same phone number but I have no one else's phone number b/c they can't transfer the numbers from my old phone b/c it's in 2 pieces. ugh. So that is fun.
My weekend was good.
Today: Monday the 19th. I went with my dad to an opthalmolagist b/c they told him to bring someone with him just incase he couldn't drive b/c his eyes would be dilated. So we drove my car. When we got in, I was like "oh yea dad, the low engine coolent light came on again". (It was on about 3 wks ago and dad fixed it then.) Dad checked whatever needed to be checked and informed me that I had no radiator fluid, it was dry. Well, he filled it back up and we were on our way. My dad was driving and I was riding shotgun. I had put my cd case on the floor and when I picked it up it was wet. So I told dad that the floor was wet and that it definately wasn't water. Somehow, my radiator fluid is leaking and it's leaking into the floor on the passenger side. WHAT THE HECK!? I have no idea when it comes to cars, but that ain't right. Dad was not a happy camper.
Now I was planning on getting some things done while dad was in his appt, b/c we knew he would be in there for at least 2 hours. But now that my car is crap, dad didn't want me driving it more than we had to. so I sat in the waiting room for 4 hours. yea. that's not so exciting.
When we left there we took my car straight to the body shop back at home. And they gave me an Oldsmobile Bravada to drive while they fix it. It has heated seats!!! Booyah! And it doesn't even smell like smoke. Double Booyah!
Alrighty, I'm done.
Word for the Day: lemon
Meaning: a person or thing regarded as feeble or unsatisfactory or disappointing
HOLY CRAP! ....crazy how i have to read your freekin' blog to see what is up with you!!!! ....call me back, delicious!!!!...or do you not have my number!? ahhhh!
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