Adventures in Petland
So most of you who read this already know that I've been wanting another animal to call my own. Ultimately, I want a puppy and have wanted a puppy for a year and a half. Well being in school and working and not knowing where I'll end up this summer kinda makes it hard to talk myself into getting/buying a dog. So I've decided to get my fill of animal love by making the new Petland in Van Wert my new favorite store. I stop in about twice a week to visit all those cute critters. The employees there are starting to recognize me and some know me by name. Not joking.
Anyways, I was in the other night and I looked at the puppies and they were all adorable but I decided to get out this Blue and Gold Macaw or however you spell it...i thought it was a parrot, but evidently I don't know my birds. So I'm holding this bird and he starts to chew on the strings of my OSU hoody, which I really didn't care but he was picking off the plastic part at the end of the string which keeps it all together i guess. So after he almost swallowed the plastic from the first string, he moved on the the other string. Well I kinda took it away from him b/c I didn't want it to swallow the plastic and this bird started to get all ticked off. ("I'm so ticked off, I'm molting"- Kristi name that movie!) :) So needless to say I no longer have the urge to own that bird. Plus the owner says they live forever and I just don't think I'm ready for that kind of committment.
Today I decided to stop into petland to play with some other animals. Here is the play by play of my visit, well sorta:
1)Well this time I went back to my first love...puppies!!!! I had the girl get out the cutest little weiner dog! He was so stinkin' cute. I played with him for about 10 minutes and then I got sick of the girl just standing there staring at me and trying to convince me to take him home so I gave him back to her. It's rude to stare.
2)Next I ventured over to my 2nd love. Hamstas! Actually I was talking with my mom last night about getting another one. So I wanted to check them out and see if any of them compared to Lily. Which none of them did of course. And it made me realize how much of a personality Lily had and that I don't think I can get another one b/c I would always be comparing it to Lily. Man I miss that little rodent!
3)Well as I was checking out the hamsters, the littlest thing caught my eye in the cage right next to me. They were dwarf hamsters! Not sure if any of you are familiar with these fascinating little creatures but they are so tiny! I picked one up and seriously I probably have seen dirt balls bigger than these things. Anyways they are absolutely adorable. I was tempted to bring a couple home today. I may go back and get a couple. I'm not joking around either.
Even though I was pretty much sold on the dwarf hamsters I still continued to meander around the store.
4) Next stop: the rats. Now I know what most people are thinking...ewww, gross, rats! But its a fact that these are very smart animals and can be trained just like a dog...possibly smarter than dogs and some may grow to be the size of a small dog. Anyways they were super tame and cute but they stunk something terrible so I decided against that one. Moving on....
5) Ferrets. I've always been kinda intimidated by ferrets. But for some reason today I just felt like reaching down into the cage and holding one. They were cracking me up. They were trying to escape up through the sleeve of my coat. "man johnny this lady has a big red poofy coat, looks nice, lets make a run for it!" (that's what they were thinking) :) But I decided that since a guy had already been caught stealing a ferret in this manner, that I'd go ahead and Not let them crawl up my arm. Seriously, a guy let one of the ferrets crawl up his sleeve and then walked out with it. Later when they realized that 'inventory' was short one ferret, they reviewed the security cameras and caught the guy. What an idiot! Anyways, I kinda got off subject. I still have one more to go.
6)Last but not least, the guinea pig. These little guys are very difficult to catch b/c they are so skittish at the slightest movements. Well I eventually caught one and held it for a little while. It was suprisingly calm once I was holding it and really soft. What is great about guinea pigs is that they make all kinds of noises. Barks, squicks, clicks, whistles, grunts, etc. I love it, it's like they are talking to you.
So that ended my adventures in Petland for today. But like I said I really liked those dwarf hamsters and I wouldn't be surprised if my next post is about me getting one...or two.
Well enough about cute happy things, I have to go study for my Medsurg. test tomorrow on Cardiovascular. That's gonna be fun! (i'm trying this thing called positive thinking...some people call it denial.)
Word for the day: golliwog
Meaning: a black-faced brightly dressed soft doll with fuzzy hair