Wednesday, May 24, 2006


So the other day I bought a bag of M&M's. As I enjoyed every single one in their magnificent delicious colors, I began to wonder, "Why did they decide to ditch the 'light brown' M&M for a different color?" Seriously, I mean, is blue chocolate more appetizing than light brown chocolate. Just curious. I don't have anything against the blue M&M for replacing the light brown M&M. Actually, Blue is just as tasty but I'm just saying that, well, I miss the light brown M&M. It reminds me of my youth, when things were simple.

And then it occurred to me. M&M's have got to be the best candy ever. Here's why:

1) They are colorful.
2) You can arrange them on the table to create a picture of some sorts. ex. a flower
3) They melt in your mouth, not in your hand.
4) It's Chocolate!
5) You can order which ever color combination you want for special occasions. That's pretty cool. So like if I wanted to, I could order a whole bag of Light Brown M&M's for...oh let's just say to celebrate me getting a puppy...when I get one.
6) If you ever want something a little different than the Plain M&M's you've got a variety to choose from. (ex. peanut, peanut butter, almond, crispy, etc...)
7) They were invited to go into space by the first space shuttle astronauts.
8) They know Santa.
9) When you spill them, not a big deal.
10) ...B/c I said so.

Ok so that all started b/c I missed the light brown M&M. Bottom line, M&M's are flippin' sweet!


At 10:43 PM, Blogger daniel said...

YUCK. Plain M&Ms are probably my least favorite candy. The chocolate is just not good. It doesn't melt well, it's not tasty. Blah! Now, peanut M&Ms are another story. But even still....I'd rather have like a million different candies than M&Ms :)

At 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats so funny that you wrote this post! i actually eat a bag of m&ms yesterday!...which is like the first time in the past....idk, year?'s been a while. anyways... so, i really like m&ms, but i'm not sure if the feeling is mutual. for some reason, i think they have something against me! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO THEM!? ok, sure, i've eaten quite a few m&ms in my day...but that shouldn't offend them! - that should be a compliment!
anyways, those little guys attacked my stomache, which i feel was [completely] un-called-for!
so at this point i have some pretty hard feelings bottled up inside (litterally), and i'm not so sure where our relationship is headed. be continued.....

At 12:15 AM, Blogger Shannon said...

Ya'all are a bunch of haters!

Guys I'm kinda sad that you don't love the M&M's as much as I do.

Kristi: if my stomach agrees with them then so should yours. You tell your stomach whos boss and stop letting it bully you around!

Dan: I don't even know what to say. Maybe you are just too cultured for the simpleness of the plain M&M.

Seriously guys!
M&M = delicious goodness!

At 10:26 AM, Blogger Dave LaGory said...

Well, wouldn't you know that you're all kinda wrong. Dan is right (almost); plain M&M's could be a lot better when eaten on their own. But the non-plain ones are all friggin' awesome! Furthermore, using M&M's in trail mix is absolutely fantastic. And in this case, only the plain ones work out well.

And as far as the tan ones? I couldn't agree more. Those were my favorite! Granted, eating bright blue candy is always fun, but the tan M&M's had it goin' on. Everyone knows that they did, in fact, taste the best. Word.

The last point though, skittles are just as fun. Just throwin' that out there. And my security word thingy was "emjui," which is bizarrely close to "enjoy." So for real, emjui.


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