Wow, so it's been awhile since I've updated. (sorry Kristi) :)
So for the last 3 weeks I've been in clinicals. This rotation I'm in OB, which involves labor and delivery, postpartum moms and newborn babies. I was extremely nervous to start this clinical rotation b/c 1) I'm not a mom, and 2) I'm the baby in my family so I never had to help take care of any of my siblings. So really I just felt...Lost. And now that this rotation is almost over...only one more clinical day in OB! :)...I still feel kinda lost but I have experienced a lot of cool things. Especially this last week.
On tuesday, I observed a baby being born by C-section. I was right there in the operating room, standing by this woman's feet, watching everything. It was amazing. After the Dr. got done cutting through everything, a pair of slightly blue feet popped right out and then the Dr. just pulled the baby out. It was seriously one of the coolest things. And then they handed the baby off to the nurse and we helped clean/dry him off and assess his vitals. Then we handed the little guy over to his dad, which is the point where it all kinda hit me that I had just seen a miracle. I cried. (it didn't help that the dad was crying either.)
There were a total of 6 births at the hospital on tuesday. It was crazy.
Talk about craziness, Wednesday, Oh my! First, I had to give a 20 min. presentation, which actually went pretty good, considering I hate talking infront of people. Then each of us students had 3 patients each. We are used to having maybe one if any at all. I was assigned to the C-sec. mom and baby from tuesday and another mom who I had seen on tuesday as well. I had a lot of first time experiences. I discontinued an IV and a Foley catheter. I also gave my first injections! Yea, that was fun. One was to mom and the other to baby. Baby wasn't all that fun. They squirm around to much. What else happened?...oh, I watched a Dr. perform a circumcision...something I'd rather not watch, but was forced to for the 2nd time. But anyways, I felt like I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off all morning. It was actually quite frustrating and I had to hold back some tears, but I got through it all without killing anybody. So that's good.
Anyways it was an exciting week at clinicals. But don't get confused...I still dislike school very much.
shannon, thats amazing! that is so awesome that you got to experience that!!! YOU GO GIRL!
I love you too!!!
...i think we need to find you a better hero though. :)
That's all I can muster right now.
"Inquisitive." Meaning unduly curious, prying; seeking knowledge; inquiring.
...I don't get how my blog is inquisitive?
You are being inquisitive right now.
Doug you are such a smarty-pants.
smarty-pants. That is such a funny little phrase. makes me laugh.'s been like 1.5 months. You ok down there?
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