Friday, April 28, 2006


So I've decided to start running again. Not that I've ever been a "runner" but every now and then I like to pretend that I am. Well on my list of things to do before I die, I have 'run a marathon'. And I just figured I'd better get on that while I'm still young. I'm going to start off slow and build my way up to a full marathon, which is like 26.some miles...or something like that. So in 5 weeks I'm going to be running a 5K that a local high school will be hosting. I have 5 weeks to get myself prepared for this 5K, by the way, if you're wondering how far a 5K is, it's only 3 miles. I just like saying 5K because it sounds more impressive. Anyways, as of right now I can't even run a mile without stopping to walk. I'm incredibly out of shape, which is another reason I'm doing this. So after class tonight, I went to the reservoir and attempted to run. Umm...yeah, then after that I went to Arby's and got a milkshake! Good job me. After going through the drive through I went to Smiley Park and swang on the swings! It was so stinkin' fun. There I was all by myself swinging in the dark. Sounds really sad, but it wasn't, there was a bat there to keep me company and to eat the mosquitos that could have possibly given me malaria. As I was sitting there a cop car pulls in. And I figured I was gonna get busted for being there after dark or something gay like that. But the cop got out of his car along with his canine companion and they played a quick game of fetch. Watching them made me want a dog even worse, which I don't know if that's even possible. This dog was uber fast though. I was amazed. And then I thought of how sucky it would be to get chased down by a police dog. Then when they left I went back to my car and fell asleep until I had to come into work. When I got to work, my coworker had bought me a Jamocha shake from Arby's! How was I not suppose to drink it! Its Jamocha!! No biggy. I'll just have to run a little harder than I had planned for the next few weeks.

Well I should probably go, after all I am at work.


At 10:22 AM, Blogger Luke said...

I got chased by a police dog once.

At 10:22 AM, Blogger Luke said...

Ok, that was a lie. I felt guilty.

At 5:11 PM, Blogger Doug said...

Not as guilty as you would have felt if the dog had caught you and they put in the police care. I was at a car show once and this highschool kid decked out in FUBU got in a police cruizer in the front seat. I was either walking by or standing there and looked at the kid and said, shouldn't you be in the back? He didn't laugh. But I had my brother in law jared with, I felt braver than I should.

I tried running today......for like.....300 yards. Then I gave up and just walked back home. True story.

At 11:38 PM, Blogger Dave LaGory said...

I had this dream once where I was running from a tornado, and I must have cleared a good two cities worth of ground, all while carrying my Grandma. Let's see you clowns do that!

May not be any marathon or anything, but when you think back that I was like 16 or so at the time, it should count for like 4 marathons. And I didn't even need the reward of 2 shakes.

At 11:57 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

I'll drink however many shakes i want! GOSH! *throws head to the side*


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