Thursday, June 15, 2006

Why the Willow Weeps...or Doesn't Rather.

This is a picture of our weeping willow tree as of before yesturday afternoon. Its a rather big tree as you can tell by the mammoth truck parked directly beneath it. Well my dad has been wanting to get it trimmed, hence the mammoth truck. Yesturday afternoon, as I slept peacefully in my bed, the tree trimmers came and butchered the tree. Amazingly enough I wasn't awakened by this dandy peace of equipment ...

...this wood chopper was grinding through half the tree right outside my bedroom window. Evidently I sleep like a bear.

Anyways, when I did wake up I had no idea any of this had taken place while I was sleeping. So when I walked into the kitchen and looked out the patio window I was rather shocked to see this... exact reaction to what used to be a happy weeping willow tree, was "Oh my goodness! It looks so stupid!" Feel free to compare the photo from before with the photo after, to validate my statement. It's like the tree lost 1 ton and in only a couple hours! Amazing. And just for those of you who don't know him, that's my dad leaning against the tree. He's cool.

Side note: Hot and Spicy Cheezits are excellente! Ya gotta try 'em!

and since it's been awhile...

Word of the Day: Audacious

Meaning: daring, bold


At 12:33 AM, Blogger Dave LaGory said...

That poor, poor tree. I got twenty bucks that says it's gonna die real soon seeing as to the fact that it has NO LEAVES! what the crap! That poor try. Never before has a willow weeped as hard as I assume that one must be.
I can only imagine that if your dad thinks this is "trimming a tree" that a haircut is nothing short of a major scalping. And given this, I'm not sure if I can make it this weekend...

At 7:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy crap! are you kidding me!? that is sad ......which is why the tree's name is ironically appropriate. what was your dad thinking.
oh, speaking of my dad...i mean YOUR dad...ok, same thing... i second the comment about him -he's pretty darn cool. ...regardless of any crazy haircuts he gives to trees.


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