Lily Openhiemer Schlatter...A Tribute.
Alas, my poor Lily has bit the dust. It was a sad day yesturday morning. I came home to find my lil' hamsta, dead, curled up in a ball in her little nest. It appears she died peacefully in her sleep.
She was a great pet, despite what Aaron Stoller may say. ;) It doesn't matter if she had "sharp, pointy teeth". Actually that is probably what killed her. Anyways....
In memory of Lily I would like to take a look back at her life.
I bought Lily at Meijer's.
I brought her home to the apartment and introduced her to her auntie Kristi:)
Many days she spent... sleeping. But at night when Kristi and I pretended to do homework, Lily would sneak through the rugged terrain of our kitchen table. She was quite the stealthy little rodent. She would stop and freeze, then all the sudden she would flatten herself and scurry like lightning across the table. It didn't take long before Kristi and I were singing the Mission Impossible theme song whenever this would occur. Lily was also very smart. She always knew when a stranger would be in the apartment. She would freeze and listen.
She was always trying to escape but never managed this unless we left the lid half off. The water bottle or the exercise wheel were her escape routes. Lily was the adventurous type. One time she tryed jumping from the counter top to the stove but didn't quite make it and ended up falling down the crack. From there she ventured to under and way back behind the refrigerator. Luckily we found her before she could venture anywhere else :) Lily would travel with me when I would go home for the weekends. One of these times when we were home, she was running in her exercise ball in the basement. Well to make a long story short she almost drown in the sump pump in freezing cold water. Actually she almost froze to death, but with the help from my trusty hair dryer I was able to dry and warm her right up. That was a close call. Phew! What a lucky hamster...or not so lucky, depending on how you look at it.
She really liked the cereal "Oh's" and she also liked Vanilla Wafers. She was so stinkin' cute. She loved to be squeeeeeeeeeeeeezed! She seriously had to be the most loved hamster ever! I'm not even joking. She brought a lot of good times to the apartment and to home. So yeah....that's all I have to say about it, I know I left a lot of things out but talking about it is making me kinda here's a picture of the cutest little hamster you will ever see or have seen.